A Hero’s Journey Week 14

Hello Wonderful World of endless possibilities,

Want to speak to the idea of “New Years Resolutions” for a second.  My thought it do not waste your time.  They don’t work for most people.  It makes us feel good to think and write stuff down, but the more we understand about brain science, the more we realize that they are really just good intentions or good ideas and the “follow through” for most folks is weak at best and non-existent for most after a few weeks.  This is a puzzling and mysterious issue.  Why is it so difficult to change?  Understanding that the subconscious mind works behind the scenes and is really calling the shots through a belief structure and years of habits is the first step to true and lasting transformation.  I feel so strongly about this after observing my own difficulty making lasting changes and seeing those around me struggle as well I will go as far to say that by NOT working on creating new habits and impressing new life into the subconscious mind you are basically setting yourself up for yet another failure.  We all have developed the “habit of failure” in one area or another and it stinks.  Really stinks.  Discouragement becomes a normal state of mind and life begins to feel like life  is spinning out of control.

All around us in the media, both Christian and secular in nature, we see the power that is coming from grasping these new concepts about how the mind affects your life and HOW IT CAN BE TRANSFORMED.  Start recognizing negative, self-defeating thoughts and immediately dismiss them.  They must be replaced with positive energizing thoughts.  Remember, your thoughts are taking up mental real estate and affecting trillions of neurons and pathways in the brain.  Whether it be a business venture, getting in shape, working on a relationship, or just eating more vegetables, your subconscious is going to make the decisions.   I highly getting the books called “the answer” by John Assaraf and starting reading instead of making resolutions.

Let’s make it a truly HAPPY new year.


We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Cor 10:5.

liz from Virginia


5 thoughts on “A Hero’s Journey Week 14

  1. teamski777masterkey

    Liz, you are Nature’s Greatest Miracle! Thoroughly enjoy your insight into resolutions. Why would we want to think about the things that we don’t want more of when we can use that real estate to think about what we want much more of?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carol Stewart

    Liz, I totally agree that making resolutions is a waste of time. There are much better ways of making changes happen, and the MKMMA course is one of the best ways I know of. As you mention, too, a good book can be a much better use of our time and energy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. robertmasterkey

    Thanks for sharing your struggles and insights. No resolutions…That is the only resolutions i have ever kept for many years now is no resolutions on new years…Mahalo

    Liked by 1 person


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