A Hero’s Journey Week 15

It’s FRIDAY!  I am wondering what fresh and inspiring life moments I have to share with you.  I loved the webinar from last week.  Piggy backing on Ben Franklin’s work is pretty darn awesome.  My #1 struggle would be organization and sure enough, it kept showing up all week as I focused on it.  I am organized!  I am!  I am.  All of the exercises are falling into place.  My favorite one has to be the flashcards.  So awesome to add the gratitude cards every week AND to rehearse all the accomplishments in life.  I have shared this concept with people I am connected to and everyone thinks it is a fabulous idea.  The most powerful ideas are usually the simplest.

I have changed “I can be what I will to be” to “I AM what I will to be.”  Cross the line!  Believe and Receive.  It is done!  We Will finish strong by doing all that Subby propels us toward.  We will recognize and leave the old blueprint back in 2015.  You are there with your future self and what a beautiful, strong, happy person she/he is.

I love how this courses meshes so often with Scripture.  Jesus taught people to walk by faith and believe before they see.  Those people were who he called the BLESSED ones.  Waiting to see the manifestation does not require one ounce of faith, right?  In heaven, we won’t need any faith!  So exercise your faith right now!  Do it NOW.  Hebrews 11:1 says “NOW, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  And Paul also told us in Romans to be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our MINDS!  And of course the Bible is full of the word “thoughts.”

Funny thing, as I was leaving Barnes and Noble last week where I have to go to watch the webinar because of our data challenges, a book practically jumped off the shelf at me.  It was titled THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.

I thought of those Intrinsic things that show up and of the fabulous Davene.

I think I will start a page in my workbook called INTRINSIC THINGS.

Because I am so organized!



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